Brews, Chews, & Tunes
Little Igloo (6.5%)

Two Ladder's "Little Igloo" is a variation on one of their most popular beers: the "Big Igloo". This beer differs only with a different strain of yeast used in the brewing process. The Little Igloo is slightly hazy, though not a true hazy, east coast IPA. What makes an IPA hazy is the type of grain they use while brewing. Hazier beers use much more flaked ingredients, which give more proteins leading to a thick/hazy mouth feel. Upon tasting, you'll get a lot of juice right up front. It's a mildly carbonated and very citrusy beer made with Mosaic hops.
As far as music goes, I couldn't have a beer named "Little Igloo" and not try to write something cold. So I used sounds derived from cold war nuclear testing equipment to make an ambient layer, upon which other "cold" sounding instruments come in and out on the repeat: celeste, children's choir, piano, glass armonica, etc. The idea was to try and capture the idea of a juicy IPA, without defaulting to a "summer" sound experience.